Join Friends of McNabs Island Society
Membership is $20 per year for individuals, $25 for families, $75 for supporting members and $150 for sustaining members. Benefits of membership include copies of our Rucksack newsletter, discounted charter boat trips for our events and the opportunity to get to the island with our volunteers to help out with our various projects.
The Friends of McNabs Island Society is a registered charity and memberships and donations are tax deductible.

Please note: All donations are tax deductible.
(BN 88847 4194 RR00001)
Please mail donation or member ship cheques to:
Friends of McNabs Island Society
P.O. Box 31240
Gladstone RPO
Halifax, NS, B3K 5Y1
OR: e-transfer by Interac your membership fees or donations to:
(Please specify what your e-transfer amount is for i.e. family membership or donation.)
Phone: (902) 852-5999 (Cathy McKenzie: Society membership secretary)
eMail: e-mail to Membership