Educational Resources
McNabs Island Kit
The McNabs Island Kit, is available on loan to teachers and educators. This kit contains many hands-on materials about McNabs Island that are suitable for elementary and junior high students. It is a good way to prepare classes for a field trip to the island. To borrow the kit, please email info@mcnabsisland.ca.
Online McNabs Island Kit - Teachers Guide
This online school kit is intended to help teachers use McNabs Island as an educational tool and outdoor classroom. It provides information about the island, ideas for activities and games, as well as suggested hikes and ways to incorporate McNabs Island into the curriculum for a variety of classes. The kit is divided into different sections that cover topics including history, animals, habitats, ecosystem sustainability, and coastal areas.
The materials in this online Teachers Guide are suitable for nearly every grade level. Specific sections and activities have been included to suit classes such as Science 10 and Oceans 11, but this information can easily be adapted for other grade levels. We hope that you will find this kit to be engaging, educational, and entertaining!
Online school kit download:
McNabs Island School Kit
Trousse éducative de l’île McNabs
The Friends of McNabs Island Society has produced, Discover McNabs Island, available from booksellers, some tourism shops and on this website.
Thomas H. Raddall's best selling book Hangman's Beach is an historical fiction about the McNab family set on McNabs Island in the 19th century.
A large colour aerial photo poster of McNabs and Lawlor is available for $5.00 (+ postage and handling) from the Friends of McNabs and at some gift shops. A poster is included free with every book order.