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__________. Halifax Defence Complex Development Concept. 1978.
__________. Halifax Defence Complex Management Plan. 1979.
Canadian Illustrated News, August 30, 1873, p. 132.
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__________. April 22, 1816, as referenced by Charles Stayner, Stayner Collection, PANS. MFM 805- # 6979.
Halifax Morning Post, October 29, 1842, p.3.
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Halifax Times, July 15, 1845, p. 5.
Harper, J.R. Early Engravers and Painters in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1970; reprint ed., 1972.
Hart, E.F., compiler. "The Most Historic Island in the Vicinity of Halifax," Public Archives of Nova Scotia, MG9 /1.
Heritage Resources Survey of McNabs Island. Dartmouth: Jacques Whitford Environment Limited, 1991.
Hewitt, H.W. "History of Eastern Passage." Dartmouth Patriot, August 17, 1901, p. 1.
__________. "History of McNabs Island," Dartmouth Patriot, May 11, 1901, p. 1.
__________. "History of McNabs Island," Dartmouth Patriot, June 1, 1901, p. 1.
__________. "History of McNabs Island," Dartmouth Patriot, June 15, 1901, p. 1.
__________. "History of McNabs Island," Dartmouth Patriot, June 22, 1901, p. 1.
__________. "History of Devils Island," Dartmouth Patriot, July 6, 1901, p. 1.
__________. "History of Devils Island," Dartmouth Patriot, July 13, 1901, p. 1.
__________. "History of Lawlor Island," Dartmouth Patriot, July 20, 1901, p. 1.
__________. "Lecture on McNabs Island." Paper presented before the Nova Scotia Historical Society, Halifax, December 1, 1912. PANS MG4, No. 106.
Jenkins, John, "The History of Recreation on McNabs Island, 1790-1887." PANS MG 100, Vol. 79, No. 54.
"Last private residents enjoy 'world of our own' on island," Halifax Mail-Star, June 14, 1976, p. 21.
Martin, J.P. The Story of Dartmouth. Dartmouth: By the Author, 1957.
"Memorandum from the Reading Room Slate," Novascotian, August 8, 1853, p. 4.
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__________. Department of Education, Nova Scotia Museum. A Preliminary Survey of the Natural History of McNabs Island, Nova Scotia. 1966.
Nova Scotia Gazette, September 9, 1783, p. 3.
Novascotian, January 8, 1849, p. 16.
__________. August 8, 1853, p. 4.
__________. May 19, 1905, p. 7.
"Nova Scotia's Unlucky Genius," Chronicle-Herald, March 9, 1985, p. 33.
"Passing Recalls Historical Facts." Halifax Mail-Star, October 2, 1934, p. 3.
Piers, Harry. The Evolution of the Halifax Fortress, 1749 - 1928. ed. G.M. Self and Phyliss Blakeley. Halifax: Public Archives of Nova Scotia, 1947.
Public Archives of Nova Scotia. James Hawthorne to John Wentworth, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, 7 June 1794, requesting assistance following the burning of his home. RG5 Series GP Vol. 7, #3.
__________. Petition of John McCurdy, dated 28 February 1867, requesting compensation for damages resulting from cholera victims being on McNabs Island. RG5, Series "P," Vol. 49, #158;162.
__________. Fred Perrin to Allan Cassels, 23 November 1905, concerning the burning of Woolnough's home on McNabs Island. MG 4 No. 106 #22.
__________. Margaret (Cassels) Cook to Chelsea Cassels, 25 July 1908, regarding history of McNabs Island. MG4, No. 106, #6.
__________. Ruth Rouse to D.C. Harvie, Provincial Archivist, 13 September 1943, regarding Captain Rouse. MG1 Box 1797 FG/3.
__________. Stayner Collection.
Pullen, H.F. "The Loss of H.M.S. Tribune off Herring Cove, 23 November 1797," Nova Scotia Historical Quarterly, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1975 :353-366.
__________. "The Attempted Mutiny Onboard H.M. Sloop Columbine on August 1, 1809," Nova Scotia Historical Quarterly, Vol. 8, No. 4, (December 1978): 309-318.
Raddall, Thomas H. Halifax: Warden of the North. Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1965.
Royal Gazette, June 22, 1790, p. 2.
__________. July 5, 1796, p. 1.
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Sheldon, Helen. "A Shell Midden in Halifax Harbour." Nova Scotia Museum Heritage Research Permit A1992NS03, 30 June 1992.
Sherwood, Roland. "Discovery of Kerosene," Nova Scotia Historical Quarterly, Vol. 9, No. 2, (June 1979):157-164.
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Tuck, James A. Maritime Provinces Prehistory. Ottawa: National Museum of Canada, 1984.
Volpi, Charles de. Nova Scotia: A Pictorial Record, 1605-1878. n.p.: Longman Canada Limited, 1974.
Who's Who in Canada, 1922. ed. B.M. Greene. Toronto: International Press Limited, 1922.
Woolnough, Charles. Grandson of Charles Woolnough. Interview, December 8, 1984.
Maps appear in chronological order.
Delabat. 1711 Plan of Chibouquetou. PANS Neg. No. OS N-105.
Harris, Mosses. A Plan of the Harbour of Chebucto and Town of Halifax, 1750. Gentleman's Magazine, London, July, 1750. PANS F/240 - 1750.
Toler, James G. Plan of the Peninsula and Harbour of Halifax, 1808. PANS R.E.O. Y-26.
Plan of the Peninsula and Harbour of Halifax, 1826. PANS R.E.O. A.87.
Sketch of Maughers Beach, c.1830. PANS R.E.O. A.29.
"Record Plans of Ordnance Property, Maughers Beach," Royal Engineers, 19 May 1853. PANS R.E.O. A.91.
Topographical Township Map of Halifax County, Nova Scotia. Halifax: A.F. Church and Co., 1865.
Map of McNabs Island, 1865. S.H. Ward, Lt., Royal Engineers. PANS R.E.O. A.87.
Record Plan of War Department Property, South End of McNabs Island, December 31, 1867. Lt. V. J. Rowe, Royal Engineers. PANS R.E.O. No. A.88.
Halifax and Area, 1886/1888. Sheets 4, 7 and 8. PANS V2.2.1.
Canadian Illustrated News, 30 August 1873, p. 132.
H.M. Dockyard, Halifax, 1870, showing Pyramus. PANS: Notman Collection N - 39065.
Fort Ives, McNabs Island, c.1873. PANS N - 6908.
Hugonin - Perrin House, McNabs Island, c. 1890, with Frederick Perrin Family. PANS N - 7196.
Lyttleton, W.W. McNabs Island and the Hugonin Home. PANS 1979.147.175.
__________. Halifax from McNabs Island, c.1862. PANS 1979.147.140.
__________. View on McNabs Island with Halifax in Background. PANS 1979.147.179.
McNab, James. PANS N - 3899.
McNab II, Peter. PANS N - 3898.
McNab III, Peter - Stone House, McNabs Island. PANS N - 7155.
McNabs Island, c.1885, showing Findlay House on left and Former Innes Farm. Parks Canada - Citadel Hill 108-05-2-885-0212.
Sherbrooke Tower, McNabs Island, c.1870. Parks Canada - Citadel Hill 108-05-2-870-0232.
List of Figures - Not available online
Figure 1 Location Map
Figure 2 McNabs Island
Figure 3 Plan of Chibouquctou, 1711
Figure 4 A Plan of the Harbour of Chebuctou and Town of Halifax, 1750
Figure 5 Peter McNab II
Figure 6 James McNab
Figure 7 Land Ownership, McNabs Island, c.1855
Figure 8 McNabs Island and the Hugonin Home, c.1895
Figure 9 Hugonin - Perrin House, McNabs Island, c.1890, with Perrin Family
Figure 10 Halifax from McNabs Island, c.1862
Figure 11 McNabs Island, c.1885, showing Findlay House on Left and Former Innes Farm on Right
Figure 12 View on McNabs Island with Halifax in Background, c.1860
Figure 13a War Department Property, McNabs Island, 1867
Figure 13b War Department Property, McNabs Island, 1867
Figure 14 Peter McNab III Stone House, c.1870
Figure 15 Plan of the Peninsula and Harbour of Halifax, 1808
Figure 16 Southern Half of McNabs Island, 1865
Figure 17 H.M. Dockyard, Halifax, 1870, with Pyramus on Left
Figure 18 Sketch of Maughers Beach, c.1830
Figure 19 Woolnough's Pleasure Ground, August 9, 1873
Figure 20 Sherbrooke Tower, McNabs Island, c.1870
Figure 21 Fort Ives, c.1873